Rams Diagnostics

A modern diagnosis centre in Kollam

About Rams Diagnostics?

A modern diagnosis centre in Kollam, located near Lakshmi Nada, Thangassery, Kollam. We provide a wide range of laboratory investigations using advanced equipments, latest technologies and trained and experienced Technicians.

Home Collection

We collects samples from home for those who have any inconvenience or difficulty in travelling. Just call us inform the test details and fix the time of appointment.

Online Report

We deliver report through the latest and hassle free online mediums like Whatsapp, Email etc. Request online report if you have difficulty in collecting from lab

Online Help

If you have doubts on any clinical tests, preparation, time and test procedure please feel free to contact us. Our experienced technicians will assist you online.

About Us

Rams diagnosis is a modern diagnosis centre in Kollam providing a wide range of laboratory investigations necessary for patient care. We offer wide range diagnostic services in various disciplines of Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, Serology etc. Using advanced equipments and trained Technicians we provide a realible and quality diagnostic services to our patients in an affordable cost.

Our Aim

We aims to stand out with Quality Diagnostic Services to all in an affordable cost.

Our Vision

We believe that health care sector is harmony of technology, experience, skills and humanity

Our Policy

Serve our customer with dignity, transparency and respect to human values.



This section of the lab performs general chemistry, toxicology, therapeutic drug monitoring and electrolytes to support critical care and emergency medicine services. Semi automated clinical chemistry analyzer with real time graph, built in self diagnosis for accurate test results


Haematology is a branch of medicine concerned with the study of the cause, prognosis, treatment and prevention of diseases related to blood. It involves treating diseases that affect the production of blood and its components such as blood cells, haemoglobin, platelets and mechanism of coagulation.Analyser provides an accurate, comprehensive haematology results in real time, with absolute reticulocyte count, a true five-part white blood cell differential for a full analysis, closed-tube sample processing means no sample preparation and no contamination.


Hormone Analyzers are used to identify and detect the concentration of specific substances in a sample, usually using an antibody as a reagent.


Serologic tests are blood tests that look for antibodies in your blood. They can involve a number of laboratory techniques. Different types of serologic tests are used to diagnose various disease conditions

ECG Multi Channel

The Multichannel ECG consists several amplifier channels and a corresponding number of recording pens. This facilitates recording of several ECG leads simultaneously and thus considerably reduces the time required to complete a set of recordings.

Health Packages

Basic Health Checkup Package

Blood RE, Urine RE, Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid, FBS, Total Cholesterol

Executive Health Checkup

Lipid Profile, Blood Group & Rh, Blood Sugar (F), Complete Blood Count, ESR, Serum Creatinine, Urine Analysis

Diabetic Package

Fasting Blood Sugar, Post Prandial Blood Sugar (PPBS), Complete Blood Count (CBC +ESR), Lipid Profile, HbA1C, Microalbuminuria

Senior Citizen Health Package

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Modern Technologies

WE use most modern equipment like XP 100 (Hematology Analyzer), Erbachem-5 Plus V2 (Semi automatic analyzer), Erbachem 7 (biochemistry Analyzer), Easylyte (Na+/K+) Mispa i3 and Computerized E.C.G.

Best Amenities

Located in Kollam Town, easily reachable location with road frontage and enough parking space. We have 600SqFt Building with front-office, waiting waiting room and hygiene lab.

Lab To Home

We have Home Collection Facilities to collect sample from your home. Through our Online Report System, get your test results online in your mobile. If you need any online assistance on any Health Check-Up you can contact us

Online Facilities

Home Collection

We collects samples from home for those who have any inconvenience or difficulty in travelling. Just call us, inform the test details and fix the time of appointment.

For Home Collection please call :
8943 050 707, 2912403
between 7.00 AM to 5.30 PM (Sunday 7.00 AM To 11.30 PM)

Online Report

We deliver report through the latest and hassle free online mediums like Whatsapp, Email etc.

Request online report if you have difficulty in collecting from lab.

For online report please provide your Whatsapp number or Email ID at the time of billing

Online Assistance

If you have doubts on any clinical tests, preparation, time and test procedure please feel free to contact us. Our experienced technicians will assist you online.

For any assistance ,please call :
8943 050 707, 0474-291 2403

between 7.00 AM to 5.30 PM (Sunday 7.00 AM To 11.30 PM)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to test and control my diabetes ?

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